Take a step back and see if you can listen to the radio at once. Press that seek button and pass through all the stations. They are all the same. Different maybe in styles, beats or melodic tones, but they are all driven by some monotonous pulse of broken, cynical, searching, love-thirsty people. Every now and then we stumble on something that is "fresh", but its freshness fades from repeated plays and soon that song has become tired and worn from our human drive to have something fresh and new, something that breathes life. As G.K. Chesterton says, its because we have sinned and grown old. But there is a hope, which is why we so desperately look for it in every song or sound.
There is One who breathes Life, who is Life. He breathed Life into Abram and Sarai, and they became Abraham and Sarah, and gave birth to Isaac. Ezekiel saw Him make dried skeletons have new muscles, tendons and flesh, and then this Breath of Life came through and they came alive. When He became a man, He carried this freshness and Life wherever He went, causing men who physically had this decay on their bodies to be whole and new. Then he went to the Cross to take on the source of this decay and He became the source of it. He became that which caused death and weariness and decay. He who knew no sin, became sin. As He was in the grave, this Breath of Life swept in and He came alive again, not only taking care of the source of this decay but also wiping out the results of this decay which is Death.
He is Life. If you want Life, if you want to know Life wherever you go, you can know Him. It is our job to create and to innovate. When you walk with Jesus, this Breath of Life is all over you and touches what you do so that it carries a freshness and brings life to your work.
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