Saturday, October 16, 2010

Talk is Cheap

I recently posted a question on Facebook, asking for thoughts about this statement: Words become realities. It got varied responses. Some supported it; others argued that a person's actions are the greater reality. Then it got into the philosophical, talking about a person's thoughts which are made of words and words from the thoughts soon express themselves through speaking and then turn into actions and take a breath.

It is interesting to me. Especially because I see the importance of words. There is a certain measure of power in being able to see words become realities. There is also the reality that in all labor there is profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty (Proverbs 14:23). So, the true power is in the ability to make the word become, in a way, tangible. If we are just doing or laboring, there is reward and outcome, but there is not anything new. Does that make sense? However, if someone simply talks, but they cannot follow through, there is no power in their words. It's like the wind. Actually, it's less than the wind, because even the wind, though it doesn't have substance, can cause drastic change.

Truthfully, there is only One who can cause the Word to be tangible. Being able to follow through on what you say is a characteristic that is not of dust, but something more eternal. The solution for a person who lacks the discipline to incarnate their words is to know God whose kingdom is not just in words, but Power. And the solution to one who just labors, but never creates is to get into the source of Life, where new things are constantly happening.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Run Often, Not on a Cajun

A small article I wrote for small newsletter. All is in good fun...enjoy!

I say this for your health. Your benefit. Heck, I’m sayin’ it for your safety. Take it from a boy who grew up in the deep south; who experienced all the folklore, mysteries and rumors the coast-land has to offer.

If doctors could prescribe advice, this would be one wisdom-pill that everyone would swallow. I’m goin’ to give you one reason why running often is good. If you live down south, you’re goin’ to eat good. Real good. I’m talkin’ put-some-food-on-your-forehead-your-tongue-will-slap-your-brains-out-tryin’-to-get-to-it good. Heh. I’m pullin’ up ma britches and wipin’ ma mouth just thankin’ ‘bout tha good stuff. Hold on... reeeeelin’ back to reality.

My whole point is this: eatin’ the southern foods will cause you to go runnin’ every day or having a body mass that’s a little bit more than you and the people you’re around (ha) are comfortable with. So, there’s the “Run often” part.

I shouldn’t even have to say this next part, but if you do go runnin’, make sure you don’t run on any cajuns. Cajuns are crazy. Now, don’t get me wrong, they’re fun as I’ll get out; they’re just crazy. They aren’t scared of heights; they eat boudin; they’ll wrestle alligators; snatch up opossums; fish at any moment; die for LSU and they’re ready to fight at the drop of a crawfish. You want them to be your friend. So, just think about what would happen if you ran on one. Nothing good.

What does this have to do with us, all the way in San Antonio? Well, the food here is good. Real good. And because of recent events that have affected the southern coast-lands, more and more people are moving this way. Which could translate to more and more Cajuns.
So, if I could tell you one thing, it would be...

Thursday, August 05, 2010

That has made all the difference

He could have told me that all roads no longer led to Rome. I walked down one right into a yellow wood where it diverged. I would have been sorry that I could not travel both, but after following the one less traveled by, I realized why it was probably less traveled by, and I got my chance to travel the other. It would have made all the difference to just go with the well-worn way, but like most things these days, it seemed promising but went nowhere.

At the risk of sounding like someone who has no revelation, let me say that I sincerely intend to speak literally as to inspire your understanding, friend. You see, he could have told me that all roads no longer lead to Rome, but then what would I have done but gone nowhere until it was told to me which road actually did lead to Rome. Instead, I set out and followed each path, trail, highway, byway and road with the confidence that I was on my way to Rome.

Misguided confidence. Unrealistic optimism. Tender-footed, green, arrogant naivety.
Inexhaustibly patient. Endless sense of adventure. Enjoying the journey, seasoned traveler, living life and learning to love it.

We went walked through deserts, jungles, cities, villages, by lakes, over mountains, through valleys, under bridges. I think we rolled a few times. Caught myself flying at one point. Or falling, it's hard to say.

We? Turns out he just wanted to walk together. Abba, Father. He never left me.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Three Perspectives: A Cobbler, Butcher and Candlestick Maker

The cobbler bares his toes, because he knows,
that just because he covers others feet,
it does not mean he has to keep his
own from breathing.

The butcher eats no meat because, he sees the blood
that pours from a pig is not differentiated
from blood of the innocent
and He becomes sick.

The candlestick maker uses no wicks,
he noticed that when given a choice people snuff out the wicks
and would rather live life in darkness and yet
he still profits.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

You've got to look

It is the glory of kings to search it out.

What is great often goes unnoticed while what is mediocre is celebrated. It is a characterisitc of true Greatness to let itself be discovered. It is part of the Way. Be wary of someone or something who is quick to parade themselves or their accomplishments. There is a time for Greatness to be celebrated, but if it is you or something you have done, stay quiet and allow another the glory of seeking it out. They will be so thrilled, their excitement will not be suppressed and you can ride into the city on the back of humilty, knowing you are ready for this next phase.

In the mean time, while you are waiting, search for the greatness in others and celebrate it.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Tired Songs Should Wake Us Up

Take a step back and see if you can listen to the radio at once. Press that seek button and pass through all the stations. They are all the same. Different maybe in styles, beats or melodic tones, but they are all driven by some monotonous pulse of broken, cynical, searching, love-thirsty people. Every now and then we stumble on something that is "fresh", but its freshness fades from repeated plays and soon that song has become tired and worn from our human drive to have something fresh and new, something that breathes life. As G.K. Chesterton says, its because we have sinned and grown old. But there is a hope, which is why we so desperately look for it in every song or sound.

There is One who breathes Life, who is Life. He breathed Life into Abram and Sarai, and they became Abraham and Sarah, and gave birth to Isaac. Ezekiel saw Him make dried skeletons have new muscles, tendons and flesh, and then this Breath of Life came through and they came alive. When He became a man, He carried this freshness and Life wherever He went, causing men who physically had this decay on their bodies to be whole and new. Then he went to the Cross to take on the source of this decay and He became the source of it. He became that which caused death and weariness and decay. He who knew no sin, became sin. As He was in the grave, this Breath of Life swept in and He came alive again, not only taking care of the source of this decay but also wiping out the results of this decay which is Death.

He is Life. If you want Life, if you want to know Life wherever you go, you can know Him. It is our job to create and to innovate. When you walk with Jesus, this Breath of Life is all over you and touches what you do so that it carries a freshness and brings life to your work.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Apathetic Monotony or Insatiable Delight

The excitement before a great adventure is always thrilling. What is truly a gift, is when each day becomes an adventure.

"Because children have abounding vitality, because they are in spirit fierce and free, therefore they want things repeated and unchanged. They always say, "Do it again"; and the grown-up person does it again until he is nearly dead. For grown-up people are not strong enough to exult in monotony. But perhaps God is strong enough to exult in monotony. It is possible that God says every morning, "Do it again" to the sun; and every evening, "Do it again" to the moon. It may not be automatic necessity that makes all daisies alike; it may be that God makes every daisy separately, but has never got tired of making them. It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we."
— G.K. Chesterton

Here comes the Joy!