Monday, June 16, 2008

When time ceases, He still increases

Let this slip back into your mind, the thoughts of memories and the vapored times. Vapored times that are streams of smoke, dancing off of the pulses of light that shine through the different eye-glassed windows. If you reach out your fingers to catch one stream, it vanishes suddenly as when you awake from a dream. When something so fleeting is so constant, it is easily overlooked or feared. If the day is only lived for the events of that day, then the vanities in that day will be filled to the brim. Too often people tilt this glass of momentary vanity, drinking and eating for tomorrow they could die. There is an aspect of time that is often ignored. It is not the past or the present or the future. It is the aspect when the vapors that rise, symbolizing time, shall cease to rise at all and all the vapors that had risen before, all the streams from every era, culminate and gather in this moment. It had been a constant crescendo. All thought that the vapors were fleeting, but they were just seating themselves before the One. So each day must be lived, each to its fullest and the day that is fullest lived is the one that is lived with a eye on the eternal moment when time ceases completely and people stop trying and rest in the be-ing. 

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