Tuesday, June 05, 2007


"God is about to bring something fresh and new that requires your absolute love and dependence on the people around you. It is not an option. Community. You walk in stewardship. God has given me stuff and the stuff is for the kingdom. The stuff is to honor the king and to be enjoyed by my family, but I get to use everything. It doesnt master me, I master it. And I get to use it. Either to bless my family or to honor the body of christ and the king. I am a steward. But I walk in the fear of God realizing that when I am alone and nobody is watching, He is with me. And I must show myself and man of integrity in those moments."
--Bill Johnson

This is it. Time is winding down and Jesus is preparing His people to be ready when He comes. As a bride anticipates the coming of the wedding day and feast, and the seeing of the bridegroom, so we, HIS people anticipate the Day that is approaching. We need one another. Deep is calling to deep and the thundering is saying, "I am doing something new. That is what you feel, and it requires your absolute love and dependence on ME and my people."

Drawing closer to God pulls you into reality, and pulling away from God distances you from reality, because He formed the heavens and the earth.


Travis said...

That's good, William. Right on. That's exactly where He's taking us. Fear God. Walk in community. Prepare the Bride.

red said...

"Drawing closer to God pulls you into reality, and pulling away from God distances you from reality"

That's it. If we can get that much.... we'll be doing good! You just have to know what that reality is.