Truth is a Person. Jesus said, "I am the Truth." He has sent to us the Spirit of Truth, His Spirit. God has poured out his love into our hearts through the Spirit. Drink continually by meditating on Truth's Words and let His love burn into your heart and become the foundation of your thoughts. We have to be stewards of what the Almighty God gives us. Stewardship. He who has will be given more. To whom much is given, much is required. Be faithful in little and you will be given much. You will reap what you sow. God will not be mocked. God is not mocked.
Diligence, stewardship, faithfulness and discipline; all of them bound by enduring love.
Daniel the Prophet was given many gifts: wisdom, knowledge, and good-looks. He excelled in the king's court because he developed these gifts. He found favor with men because he developed his relationship with God and found favor with God. He was not after success, though, nor status in the the kingdom of man. He wanted to please the leader of the Eternal Realm who gave him much and therefore, required much. At the end of his life, God told him to enter His rest and receive his allotment. Paul would call it his reward or prize.
Jesus talked of talents. Don't hide them in the ground, but develop them, make them grow. We have to ability, because we are made in the image of God, to create to a certain extent. It does not happen without the hand of God, but we have to plant, water and nurture these gift-seeds he has given us. So that when this world ends, the gifts and talents we have developed will exponentially grow in eternity. We are made to rule and steward, to create the environment for things to grow and be able to live in. Adam was given that command in regards to the earth kingdom, Jesus gave that command regarding to Eternal Kingdom.
I want to hear from Father, "Enter into your rest and receive your reward." This life prepares us for The Life. God chooses to work through us and with us, here; why would He change when this world is over? The relationship with Him that we are developing and walking in will only grow when time is ended. I dont see why it would stop. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
He has called us to be eternally with Him and He has given "stuff" to steward. We need to do it to our very best. Every deed and word will be brought to the light and judged; we want to be diligent and not found lacking. He has plans for us, let us reach the full potential of those plans. Our vision is "Oaks of Righteousness" and as long as we stay planted by the stream and keep drinking, we will grow there.